This time - autumn Frydlant. :)
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huuu great work.. 6+
hezky tajemne :-)
(len tu hlavnu dominantnu hranu hradu, alebo zamku si mohol vyrovnat. Pada to doprava takto cele)
I think that at least the lines on the left side should be perpendicular... 4+
Stašidelné...dobrá atmo:-)
strašně se mi to líbí, ale zároveň mi dost vadí, že hrana nejblíž u nás se kácí... pak až na několikátej pokuk jsem si všimnul že to tak padá celý:(
jinak co ta fotka dělá, tak tak si představuju soudkování
pěkný, ale má to mouchy, ale atmosféra tomu dost dodává
nuž čo u mňa 7
nice! 5+
2 Lubo Torok: I don't think so. I like photos with natural perspective and don't make any lines perpendicular in PhotoShop if they are not perpendicular in original due to the angle of view.
nice colors
good stuff...
lookin' at your photos It always seems like you travelled back in time to take them :)
To Nikk:
I'm just travelling to the Fairy Parallel Worlds of Unknown, Unexplanable and Invisible. 8)
to je mistecko
tonalita tomu dává skvělou atmosféru - zkoušel si rovnat linie?
To Sh@dow: read my mind about it in my comment to Lubo Torok a little bit abowe.)
krasa, by ma zaujmalo ako sa to upravuje do takejto podoby;
6- libi
u mě super
Diky všem :)
Thanks to all 8)
no tak ta je uzasna
farebne i atmosfericky super, ale preco fotit z tohto uhla?
I do the same - never change the distortion, but it does not mean that it is always good. Still, you can shot it on longest zoom and it would be better. There should be something perpendicular - especially in the shots of architecture.
2 Lubo Torok:
Unfortunately, my camera doesn't allow to use the shorter zoom: as I remember, here you see the largest angle of view.) About other: I think, we'll not come to abgreement in the case of this photo. 8) Anyway - thanks for your comments.
2 Josef Hul: z toho uhla - proto ze se me to libi. That's all. 8)))
Very nice foto:)6++
ouu, to much beautyfull
6++, great work. OK
Tvoje fotky mně přijdou příliš tmavé...