My associations with Křivoklát - some tails about princes and princesses and so on. Though my personal dreams always were somehow "uncommnon", now I'm talking about usual children's dreams that are born from fairy tails and turn to "perfect illusions" at the adult age.
Sometimes it's necessary to understand what the real dreams are to get read of illustions...
Sometimes it's necessary to understand the personal illusions to make dreams come true...
Nemůžete komentovat. Nejste přihlášen(a).
fine...very najs
ani bw ani color
to Jaroslav Douša
Jo, tmave :)
2 Jan Pilko: are you at first in my gallery? Yeah, not color, not BW. :)
trosku tmave
2 Ján Regeš:
tmave, tmave :)
pekné...dobré , že je tmavšie..tá veža v tom tmavom nemá chybu
prilis nepacia farby, pada. oblacik pekny :-)
jo super libi.
farby ako od teba ;o)
It's not color, it's not BW... castle is color (a bit), sky is grey ...
I think BW should be better.
super :-)
Myslim, ze t je az moc desaturovane...
Jinak tenhle pohled je tak klasickej....
Tam preci posilaj kazdyho turistu at si to jde z ty vyhlidky vyfotit...
unusual tonality, white tower which rise up from the dark is very important!
5+ Líbí
(koukám, že už umíš hezky česky psát :-))
pěkný koment...zřejmě to bude Křivoklát?...jen nevím o co ti jde:)
je to fajn
I like your pics, but this one seems to be too common..I think the compo could've been better..
Možná bych o fous rovnal linie - na té levé věži je to trochu znát(tedy pokud nestojí nakřivo);o)
tohle už má ten spodek moc tmavej... teda pro mě
perfectly working-out accidental lights and light composition...
very nice, too!
super koment... ;)
It´s true, it´s a tails castle :-)